Thursday, December 30, 2010

“How to Photograph Fireworks Displays” plus 1 more: Digital Photography School

New Year fireworks in Bratislava.Image via Wikipedia
This is a link to a nice article on how to shoot fireworks, Normally this is a July 4 topic in the USA but some may have opportunity on New Years so enjoy...

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sparty - Anything For Love

Saw this at the MSU Game last weekend. This is a great clip! The crowd went crazy at the end! Very funny.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Microsoft to Expand Free Security to (Very) Small Businesses

Microsoft Security EssentialsImage via Wikipedia
Microsoft is making their very good Security Essentials software available to small businesses with 10 or fewer PCs.  Its pretty good antivirus antimalware software and you can't beat the price!  I run it on all my home PCs and recommend it to friends.  If you run a small business its worth taking a look at.

Microsoft to Expand Free Security to (Very) Small Businesses - SuperSite Blog
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Windows Shortcut Exploit Protection Tool

This is a tool that will protect you from the recently discovered Windows shortcut problem, where the shortcut file can be modified to run malicious code on your system. This affects ALL versions of windows, old and new. There is currently no real fix for this (other than disabling all/most of your icons on your computer so they just show up as white squares) and there are confirmed attacks out there using this issue today. This tool is a clean install/uninstall so when Microsoft does fix the issue you can uninstall this tool.

The tool basically checks links in shortcuts before it is passed on to the operating system and prevents the malicious code from executing if it exists. You can read more details about the tool at the Sophos site and you can read more about the exploit on Security Now! Episode #258

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Safe Eyes Software

I've been using SafeEyes software for a couple of years and it does a very nice job protecting our information and keeping info we don't want out of our house (read computers).  We've got it installed on all of our computers (Mac/PCs) and each family member has their own account, which auto loges them in when they log on to their computer (or their side on the shared computer).  It logs everywhere everyone goes, its very configurable but very easy to use.  We use it in conjusction with which is a free DNS filter and together they do a very nice job.  We even have a timer setup in SafeEyes to limit the amount of time each child has available to them, and the hours they are allowed on the internet, cause we all know what mom says, " nothing good ever happens after midnight!" :o)  If you're interested they have a FREE 30 day trial. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Marketing: Study Says Most Brands Still Irrelevant on Twitter - Advertising Age - Digital

Twitter logo initialImage via Wikipedia
I've always thought that the media and companies over-hyped Twitter. It works for them cause its a one place for information gathering but its not great for marketing if only 7% of the consumers are even on twitter(of course they don't say 7% of what, could be 7% of all people on earth and that would be completely different than 7% of the US popluation with computers).
Marketing: Study Says Most Brands Still Irrelevant on Twitter - Advertising Age - Digital

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

PSI - Software Security Scanner

Photograph of Steve Gibson of grc.comImage via Wikipedia
This software by security firm Secunia, and recommended by security professional Steve Gibson, from, is FREE for home use.  The software looks at your installed software and will notify you of old, vulnerable software so that you can patch it or remove it if you don't use it any longer.  Just one more tool in the toolbox for protecting your self from bad software and/or identity theft.

PSI - Consumer - Products
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Friday, July 23, 2010

Spicy peppers may hold a key to weight loss...

Green and red cubanelle peppersImage via Wikipedia
I've always liked hot peppers but not for weight loss.  I've used 'em to fight off colds and just for the joy of it.  Back in college we used to buy those cheap frozen burritos and the hottest peppers we could find.  Then at the first signs of a cold we'd pile on the peppers and sweat and burn the cold out!  Seemed to work, but we always paid for it the next day (if you know what I mean :).   

Spicy peppers may hold a key to weight loss, scientists say | Booster Shots | Los Angeles Times
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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Beekeeping - An Introduction and a Different Approach

BeekeepingImage via Wikipedia
This is a great site to learn the basics about Beekeeping if you're interested or even just curious.  They put together short beekeeping lessons that are useful and easy to read.  They also have a site where you can buy beekeeping equipment from.

Different Approach:
Last Tuesday I went to the Holland Beekeeping association and heard Mel Disselkoen  talk about an alternative method of beekeeping.  Not a different type of hive just a different philosophy on what to do with the bees and when to do it.  It was very interesting and I'm going to do some more reading on his site:
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Tour de France 2010

Differenty colored cycling jerseys as used in ...Image via Wikipedia

Watch the le Tour on Sat. for the time trials where we'll know for sure if Contador can keep his yellow jersey, of if Schleck will surprise everyone and pull off a surprise ride!

Tour de France 2010
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Keystone Bike Park

Check out this sweet video of a couple downhillers going thru the Keystone bike park.  I'd love to learn how to do this with out risking my life to learn it!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Insulin Signaling Helps Make Queen Bees

Queen cellImage by Max xx via Flickr
This is from an email I got from the American Bee Journal. It will eventually show up here:  ABJ Ertra Archives

There has for always been a question of how a female bee larva becomes a queen vs a worker bee.  We've known that the bees feed a larva royal jelly and place the larva in a special cell but they've never know why this causes the larva to develop into a queen, until now:

Insulin Signaling Key to

Caste Development in Bees
 What makes a bee grow up to be a queen? Scientists have long pondered this mystery. Now, researchers in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University have fit a new piece into the puzzle of bee development. Their work not only adds to understanding about bees, but also adds insights into our own development and aging.The study, which appeared in the June 30 online edition of Biology Letters, shows that a key protein in the insulin signaling pathway plays a strong role in caste development among bees.
A female bee can become either a worker or a queen. Queen bees are larger and live longer than workers. Queen bees are also fertile while workers are essentially sterile. A queen has only one role—to lay eggs—while workers tend the hive, care for the queen and larvae, and forage for food.
"The incredible thing is that both of these types of female honeybees emerge from the same genome," says Florian Wolschin, an assistant research professor in the School of Life Sciences in ASU's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, is the lead author of the study. "So how does that happen?"
Workers determine the fate of the larvae by what they feed them. The amount and composition of food that the larvae receive determine whether they become workers or queens. People have known this for many years, but exactly what happens inside the cells to create this split isn't completely clear.
Wolschin, Gro Amdam, an associate professor, and Navdeep S. Mutti, a postdoctoral research associate, found that the insulin signaling pathway plays a role in caste development. Insulin is a hormone found in humans and many other animals, and insulin-like peptides have been discovered in bees. Insulin moves glucose—sugar—from the bloodstream into the body's cells where it can be used.
The researchers suppressed one of the key proteins in this pathway in honeybee larvae. The protein, called the insulin receptor substrate (IRS), has been linked to growth, development and reproduction in mice. The researchers fed the altered larvae a queen's diet, but they developed into workers, not queens.
IRS is only one component of the process that decides a bee's ultimate fate. Wolschin says several other molecules are known to play a role, including DNA methyltransferase, juvenile hormone and a protein called TOR.
"Those are all very important and fundamental mechanisms," says Wolschin. "One single part cannot alone be responsible. It has to be the interplay between different mechanisms that finally results in the divergence of queens and workers."
The researchers are now looking at the interconnections between several of these factors. "We want to see if maybe there's a hierarchy involved. Several of the components are probably 'upstream' of other processes. So they serve as mass regulators and switches," says Wolschin.
Honeybees are vitally important to our economy through pollination of crops as well as production of honey, wax and royal jelly. Understanding bee biology is crucial to maintaining this industry in the face of problems like colony collapse disorder.
Wolschin adds that bees also provide an important model system that can help us understand our own biology. For example, scientists have successfully reversed many signs of aging in worker bees.
"That is pretty unique," says Wolschin. "You don't have other model organisms in aging research that can do that."  
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Photography – Exposure vs. Brightness

Lightroom – Exposure vs. Brightness | Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Killer Tips
This is a great article which really shows the difference between these two sliders in Photoshop Lightroom. I've always wondered what the difference was but never really tested it out. I have normally used the exposure slider, primary out of ignorance of the differences. I may have to do a little more experimenting next time I need to raise or lower the "brightness" of the image. Take a look.

Sleep Recommendations

How Many Hours Of Sleep Should You Get? | LIVESTRONG.COM

Interesting article, I knew that you needed to get enough sleep but I'd not read that getting too much can be bad for you. Though I suppose if you're mostly sleeping you're not getting any exercise and there are consequences to that, but I'm thinking that too much sleep leading to depression makes less sense and wonder if its not the other way around. Depression will lead to sleeping more so it showed up in the study that way? In any case its good to know I'm getting my 7hrs most of the time which is just right!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Boulder Bike Story

This video talks about how Boulder became one of the top 3 bike friendly cities in the Country and how your community can do it too.  Looks like a great place to ride.  Its motivating me to see what I can do to help my Community (Grand Rapids) to do similar things.  This comes from the Bikes Belong website.

Alzheimer's Study

This article talks about two studies that showed exercise and vitamin D play a big role in risk reduction for Alzheimer's disease. Its funny to me that they say that "its unclear if supplements will help" maybe they didn't study that or maybe they just don't want to promote something they can't make tons of money on like they can with a drug. But if you have a deficiency (and increased risk) and supplementation eliminates the deficiency (and hence the risk) then it seems like common sense that supplementation would help. But they probably need to do a multi-billion dollar study to show that, and even then the drug companies would still try to bury the story somehow. :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Review of Serfas Zen Cycling Gloves (For Men)

Originally submitted at Sierra Trading Post

Closeouts . Serfas Zen cycling gloves have a fingerless design for protective coverage and dexterity, and are made with a padded palm and breathable construction for comfort. Lightweight and breathable Padded palm Extra large terry cloth panel on back of thumb Reflective trim Fabric: 45...

Good Glove, esp. for the price

By Chris from Grand Rapids, MI on 7/7/2010


3out of 5

Sizing: Feels true to size

Pros: Comfortable Fit, Loops to help in removal, Good Ventilation

Best Uses: Road Biking

Describe Yourself: Avid Cyclist

Fits great and is comfortable, very easy off with the finger loops! Great price, ordered a second pair for when these are worn out.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Smashing Magazine's 50 New Useful CSS Techniques, Tools and Tutorials

The article in (linked to in the title) has a lot of great CSS (thats Cascading Style Sheets for you non geeks, they make the web pages look "pretty") tips and tricks for the old and new versions. Its not a short read but has lots of links to useful tools.

MSU Basketball

I really hope that Coach Izzo stays at MSU and leads the Spartans to another national championship next year.  But if he chooses to go to the NBA then I wish him well, he's done a lot for MSU and I for one would still appreciate his contributions.  If he does go it would be great if one of his assistants were ready to take the helm and keep the tradition of raising up new head coaches going.  But I really hope none of this is necessary and he stays for another 10 years and becomes a truly legendary coach!  Either way GO STATE! :o)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Legumes for good heart health

This is an interesting article about the benefits of legumes, especially for heart health... Legumes-nutrition

New DSLR Owner tips

These are a couple of comments from a post on this great forum: Digital Photography
They asked what are some tips for a new DSLR camer owner.

I have to agree, read the manual, as dry and boring as it is, and even if it doesn't fully make sense at the time just plow through it.  I found keeping the camera next to me as I read was helpful as I could pick it up and look at what the manual was talking about.  And forcing yourself to use everything but auto is also key to using a DSLR, since all you really get with auto less shutter delay (compared to your old Point and Shoot).  Though if you really need to get an important shot go ahead and use Auto but switch right back and practice not using it for that same shot.

Top 5 ToDo’s for New DSLR Users:
1. Read your manual to get to know what your camera can do (i.e. functions, pros and cons and limitations).
2. Take lots of pictures using various modes (except for Auto; don’t shoot in auto) so you can learn how the setting affect your photos.
3. Search for your camera model and camera techniques on YouTube for tutorials. Besides its free education.
4. Visit sites like for reviews about your camera.
5. Review hundreds of photos from pros and amateur enthusiasts online to examine techniques.
BONUS: Stay encouraged and stay focused especially if some of photos come out crappy. I’ve heard that the different between a pro and an amateur is simply 10,000 photos. Hope this helps!

Regardless of skill level, I’d recommend (at least) the following:
1. Learn the camera – go through the manual, look for online articles, what-have you. Learn how to shoot in shutter priority, aperture priority and some basic understanding of manual mode.
2. Learn how to change settings on the fly. It’s not all menus, most DSLRs have dedicated buttons on the outside – learn how to do that.
3. Don’t expect immediate results. It will be difficult to get the desired results immediately. You have to first become comfortable with the camera before you’re satisfied with the results.
4. Fail and fail often. Sounds odd, but you need to experiment to find out what doesn’t work. Embrace failure, and you’ll learn faster. I personally aim to fail at 60-70% of my experimental works. When I’m on assignment, lessons learned from my failures help me to stay on task to make sure that my practiced methods result in a 90% (or higher) success rate.
5. Have fun. A new camera can be overwhelming…but if you start getting frustrated, put the camera down for a while. Take breaks. You don’t want to build a grudge against your gear.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Commuting 101 : Don’t Have a Shower?

I like the last tip in this article... :)

One large complaint or worry for beginner bike commuters is the lack of showering, or showing up sweaty to work. This is a valid worry and shouldn’t be overlooked as your employer, co-worker or client may not appreciate the “biker look.”

Top tips if you don’t have a shower at work

Photo Credit : Fritz

  • Wear wicking clothing. I actually avoid wearing padded shorts in the morning as it creates a “funk” that you can’t avoid. If my commute is shorter in distance I find a comfortable saddle and wear a stretchy, breathable pair of shorts. Either a jersey, or tech-t on top, comfortable shoes or maybe my cycling shoes for longer distances.
  • Action Wipes. No joke, go buy them. I’m not paid or bribed to say this (I have to say that by law,) but Action Wipes are in all my saddle bags and in my desk at work. A quick “pocket shower” with Action Wipes and re-installation of deodorant and I’m fresh!
  • Bring extra clothes. Don’t worry about working up a sweat as you can use your Action Wipes to clean up and then put on all new clean clothes. Also, I am talking to put on a whole new outfit from top to bottom, putting on clean clothes and dirty socks doesn’t give you the same “fresh” feeling.
  • If you may need it, keep a spare at work. This means everything you can’t do without, because we are talking about clothes currently I will mention those but recommend extra tubes/lube/tools at work too.
  • If all else fails, start stinking in very important meetings and maybe they will install a shower at your work place.

Join the conversation on Twitter @BikeShopGirlcom

Friday, June 4, 2010

Types of Fenders

A mini series on Yearly Bike Fenders, today we will be discussing the different types of fenders there are and the benefits of each.

Full Coverage Fenders

One of the best systems of fenders are called full coverage as these cover up the most of your tires. The rear fender mounts at your bottom bracket and wrapping up around your tire. In some areas you add a buddy flap which adds distance to the fender and can even drag on the ground, keeping the spray off your buddy riding on your wheel. Make sure you purchase the right width for your tire and frame clearance. Purchase Full Coverage Fenders at

Clip On Fenders

The easiest way to install fenders are the clip on style. They can be attached in the morning if its raining, or fairly quickly prior to a ride. The downfall to this style is they aren’t full coverage. This means it will keep the spray off your back and face but may not keep your bike and feet clean.

Other Types

There are other types of fenders, such as stubbies, fork mount, seatpost mount and such. All these help keep the roster tail off, or the spray out of your face but to me don’t make the cut. If you are going to rock a fender, rock it full and proud.

I’ve asked on Twitter for you guys to share your fender photos, please leave a comment or email me with the photos so we can include them with an article later this week!

Join the conversation on Twitter @BikeShopGirlcom.


PLEX 9 Preview

The new version of Plex looks very nice.  Much easier to manage and add new content.  I just hope they can make it more stable.  For me every time I use it at some point it crashes or doesn't work.  I really like the interface better than anything I've used but the instability makes it useless as the family won't put up with that and I'm only willing to for a short time.

(Click the title to go to the video)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Making Creamed Honey

Making Creamed Honey: "One of my favorite talks at Young Harris was a demonstration by Keith and Rosanne Fielder on how to make creamed honey. I had some honey in Atlanta that had crystallized over the winter, so I couldn't wait to get home to try doing this myself.

Keith said that the honey judge looks for two things in tasting creamed honey: they push the honey against the roof of their mouth with their tongue and do not want to feel any crystals. Also they push the honey between their upper and lower front teeth with the same goal: not to feel any crystals. Keith had some of his own creamed honey there for us to taste - as always, he is super at it - I don't think mine will ever taste as good as his did.

To make creamed honey by the Dyce method, first you need a "seed" honey. This would be a honey that is creamed that you buy or have saved from a previous batch of your own. I bought some German creamed honey at Whole Foods that is smooth (like the judges want) and tastes really good. I also like the taste of my crystallizing honey - it's a little sharp as my mid summer honeys tend to be, probably informed by tulip poplar.

Keith said that we could flavor the honey with flavoring oils but I like honey to taste like honey so I didn't do that. He said that cinnamon is a popular flavor with his customers.

Creamed honey is supposed to be jarred in clear, straight-sided jars with solid tops (not two piece canning tops). I had none of these and spent a whopping $2.50 per jar to buy some at the Container store.

There are pictures on Linda's site - the captions give you the directions